Wei Rong

8/3 - 10/33 F2F Meetings to brainstorm idea + decide on App’s main feature8
12/3Finalised Proposal and decided on design theme (Santorini, Ancient Greek style)2
3/5 - 5/5FrontendMasters TypeScript React V2 course by Steve Kinney https://frontendmasters.com/courses/react-typescript-v2/6
6/5Designing poster2
6/5ForntendMasters Next.js 13+ V2 course by Scott Moss https://frontendmasters.com/courses/next-js-v2/3
7/5Landing Page Figma1
9/5Data Page Figma1
9/5 - 10/5Video5
13/5 - 14/5Set up initialisation of app, set up CI/CD with github actions https://advent-4g6dx174l-wr1159.vercel.app4
14/5Advisor Meeting + Sprint #1 Planning2
18/5Navigation Bar and Tailwind config https://github.com/wr1159/advent/pull/4 https://github.com/wr1159/advent/pull/5 https://advent-isrjyk7cv-wr1159.vercel.app2
19/5Landing Page https://advent-l7c20ta5p-wr1159.vercel.app3
20/5Routing https://advent-agbyi0c09-wr1159.vercel.app1
20/5Orbital Page2
21/5Mobile Layout https://advent-lsrfa8phs-wr1159.vercel.app/3
22/5Slight fixes and refactor of code Remove 2 column option on orbital page MobileMenu button shows at all times MobileMenu now appears like a Card https://advent-1uw7swmp5-wr1159.vercel.app2
23/5Footer component0.5
24/5Basic Dashboard Frontend Page https://advent-n7b2zm633-wr1159.vercel.app2.5
24/5Writing Tests3
25/5 - 26/5Charts in statistics page3
26/5 - 27/5Minor fixes + Speed up CI/CD3
27/5-28/5Backend help: - querying for events, - display event template, - refactoring components,16
28/5README and Documentation3
29/5 - 2/6Research of WYSIWYG editors, decided on quill and implementation4
2/6Evaluation of GotEat and Waste Washers3
3/6Hotfix for button and other things1
3/6Add Colour feature3
4/6Table Of Content for README2
5/6 - 7/6Project log page3
7/6 - 20/6WYSIWYG Implementation15
15/6Fix Date Sorting + Security Patch by upgrading vite2
15/6 - 18/6Milestone 2 README3
16/6Refactor Component and add Loader component2
20/6Colour implementation and copy iframe tag5
21/6 - 23/6Code Review + Suggestions6
24/6 - 25/6Data with react-table8
25/6Poster + Readme4


8/3 - 10/33 F2F Meetings to brainstorm ideas + decide on App’s main feature.8
12/3Finalized Proposal and decided on design theme (Santorini, Ancient Greek style)2
6/5Designing poster for Lift-off2
7/5Familiarizing w Figma + Designing Customisation Page for Lift-off video6
8/5Finalizing some details of Customisation Page Design for Lift-off video1
9/5 - 10/5Video5
12/5Setting up React + Doing react’s official tutorial on tic tac toe game2
13/5Attending Orbital workshops for database + git-github3
13/5Responding to email by mentor1
14/5Zoom meeting with advisor, Sprint #1 planning2
15-16/5Setting up project + configuring firebase. (1.5) Attend session regarding web servers (1.5)3
17/5Learning concept, structure of a web app (1) Meeting with advisor (0.5) Getting started with firebase authentication (2)3
18/5Learning and implementing authentication features with SignUp and SignIn logic. (Scap the idea of using FirebaseUI for auth and re-implementing)4
19/5Implementing basic sign-in page with signup, signup components and pages. (2) Attending a microservice, basic web architecture session (1.5) Rewatching orbital workshop on React + reading documentation (1.5)5
20/5React workshop1
21/5Learning through firebase tutorials, reading about OAuth, API3
22/5-23/5Attending a session for software testing. (2) Finalizing signUp, signIn logic, Google Authentication. Adding logout logic and LogOut component. Creating pull requests, resolving conflicts and comments.5
24/5Design and settle database structure for app (1) Attend session for software testing methodologies + testing tools (3)4
25/5Implement popup front end when creating event, implement backend logic for writing to database the user data for login button, and event details for create event button.5
26/5Settle query for reading all events from database for create event button. Fixing the UI bug of events not loading7
27/5Finally fixing the UI bug for the event page with the help of groupmate.6
28/5Helping with frontend for editor template page (3) Settling the logic for saving events to database (1) Designing user activity diagram (1)5
3/6 - 9/6Evaluation of KingPins & review comments1
9/6 - 11/6Learn more about css & tailwindcss through side project6
12/6Fix form’s label and input retrieval logic4
13/6Learn more about css through side project1
14/6Research about cloud firestore to store images Research and discuss new UI for the editor page2
15/6Research about drag and drop, discuss with Wei Rong to then settle layout with quill editor for event landing and reuse logic of old form editor for attendee form. Temporarily scraping drag and drop Implement draft layout and utilities bar for editor page. Starting on logic for upload image5
16/6Work on upload image & retrieve image3
17/6Work on image upload Start on next & back buttons in util bar Research Radix UI & MUI for data & time range picker5
18/6- 19/6Settle on image upload Brush up on css & React states for multistep form Attempt to implement time range picker, but then scraping the draft afterward3
20/6 - 21/6Work on multi step form preview for attendee form editor6
22/6Finish attendee form & pull request Resolve bugs, comments after pull requests (Refactoring file structures, states and fix some bugs)6
23/6Finalizing attendee form3
24/6Learn about writing unit tests and wrote 2 test suites2
25/6Wrote 15 test suites5
26/6Poster + Update diagrams5
25/6Poster + Readme4